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Adventure Technology participates in the first metamaterial Conference

Time:2023-8-12 9:20:20Views: Author:Shenzhen Adventure Technology Co., LTD.
From November 24 to 27, 2019, Qicheng Technology participated in the first National Metamaterial Conference in Xi 'an, which was jointly hosted by Xi 'an Jiaotong University, Air Force Engineering University, Northwestern Polytechnical University and Xidian University. It was jointly sponsored by Metamaterial Branch of Chinese Society for Materials Research, Dielectric Physics Committee of Chinese Physical Society and Components Branch of Chinese Institute of Electronics. Zhu Pengfei, general manager of Adventure Technology, made the title: The academic report on the construction of fine direct writing 3D printing technology of dielectric based terahertz metamaterial attracted everyone's attention. Professor Xu Zhuo, chairman of the Metamaterial Conference, Academician-Zhou Ji, director of the academic committee, and Academician-Chen Liquan visited the exhibition booth of Qiyu Technology, and gave full recognition to the fine direct writing 3D printing equipment of Shenzhen Qiyu Technology Co., LTD., and encouraged everyone to continue to work hard. Provide equipment technical support for metamaterial technology.

Opening ceremony of Metamaterials Conference

Adventure Technology booth

The chairman of the conference, academicians and experts visited the exhibition booth of Adventure science and technology

Academician Zhou Ji, director of the academic committee of the conference, carefully watched the 3D printing equipment of Adventure technology

Some exhibits of Adventure Technology
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